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are an auxiliary to that end.
The help I propose to extend to your schools here will not hinder aiding Alexandria also. I have not the teachers (col'd) for those schools, and must, depend upon Cap Lee, the Bureau officer there, for information - as to the suitable persons to act as ass'ts. I think they can be found there. If you have four white and four colored teachers there, with an attendance of from 300 to 400 pupils, paying 20 cts per month each, and no exceptions - you [[strikethrough]] woud [[/strikethrough]] would get, say $60. per month, to which I would add $40- which would give each of the colored teachers $25. or perhaps a little more. - This is my proposed method and hope in regard to those schools. I will correspond with Cap. Lee.
Miss Hancocks school could not well be provided for by anybody but herself - not that her services are intrinsically better than many others, but her school is a feeder to the normal, and her pupils and the great Baptist Church (the "Old African") would not be willing to know anybody else.

Sep 5
My Dear Miss Canedy,
I do still desire the N.E. Br. to furnish you an assistant. My suggestion of Miss R name you know was to have no force, only in case no help came. If anything else could be done it was to be done. Ability to teach singing I regard a valuable qualification, under the circumstances, but skill as a general teacher very much more valuable, and truth and honor and a wholesome spirit as a member of our little community, still more valuable. We could do without the singing; we cannot do without these.  I very much hope therefore that you will have a good account of the lady you name and that you will send me an account of what you learn.
I have some hopes of obtaining a teacher from another source (not the N.Y. Branch) for one of the primary schools, who may have good qualifications for the Normal and so be available if occasion should demand.
I am glad to report myself better.
Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
sup Ed

We hope to begin school Oct 5