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Sep 7. 8

Maj. J.R. Stone:

Your communication of the 4th has just been placed in my hands, and I am just leaving the city on duty for a few days - The Gen'l. will not be in the office before I leave, so that I cannot confer with him.

I will however make a remark and a suggestion and ask a reply to the suggestion.

The remark is:- The understanding with Wm. Green was that the city should go forward and rent its buildings, and employ its teachers, and after their schools are in operation you and I will have a sharp look at them. If they are all right, the city may make application for rent and it will be given.

The suggestion. The out buildings for the Pocahontas school should certainly be supplied; but I would suggest that they placed in the rear of the [[strikethrough]] class [[/strikethrough]] school and that they be separately enclosed with fences without fencing the whole lot, and have good locks and keys to gates or to the houses. 

In haste & Very Resp.
R. M. Manly
Sup Ed