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Sep. 16
Bvt. Brig. Genl. H.G. Thomas
Sub Asst. Com'r.

I have the honor to acknowledge the rest of your communication of the 14th.
Yours of the 22d ult addressed to the A.A.A.G. was referred to me to be acted on as the exigencies of the charitable associations would allow, and my reply would be of "progress" as soon as I could make it.
Your second concern was promptly endorsed with such information as is at present available.
I would remark that hitherto the one great obstacle to an indefinite enlargement of the educational work has been the impossibility of securing support for teachers, to the extent of the applications. Virginia has led all the states in the number of pupils under instruction, but there have constantly been scores of urgent demands for the supply of teachers which we have not