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Nov. 11    8
Mr. F.E. Dove
Wisewell Barracks Washington D.C. 
Dear Sir
We are very anxious to have as many schools in operation as possible. The rent to which you allude has not yet begun to be paid, but I suppose soon will be. It will be necessary that the teachers receiving it should hold the commission of some one of the well known charitable associations, as the payments are to be made upon the local Bureau Officers Reports of school building and of the societies occupying them and upon the certificates of the societies that such teachers are in their employ.
When any respectable teacher is at her work and I can have satisfactory information of the fact with a request for a Commission, I can procure one for them; then the Bureau Offices must report such school, with name of teacher, No. of pupils and name of society by whom teacher is commissioned.
Start the schools as fast as you can and we shall be able to help efficiently.
Very respy
R.M. Manly
Sup Education

Transcription Notes:
some faded text is at the top of the page that is difficult to read