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November 14     8

Oscar M. Waring Agt. &c

Dear Sir: 

In reply to yours of the 11th.  In case of the erection of new buildings, if the assistance rendered by the Bureau is but a small part of the cost of the building, it is appropriated under the name of "Repairs", and we ask no questions in regard to the title [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] to the property and future use of it [[?so]].  If however a large sum is appropriated (ie. a considerable part of the expense of the building) then we are governed by "Circular 30" dated at Washington D.C. Dec. 31, 1867, which reads as follows:  "Hereafter school buildings will not be erected or repaired to any considerable extent at the expense of this Bureau, except upon sites secured by deed to trustees, or some individual party, for school purposes for Freedmen, or for children irrespective of color forever."  You notice the vagueness of the expression "to any considerable extent".  In the absence of a particular case I am not able to say what would be done.  But if the organization you represent puts much money into a school-building they will wish to