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December 7

W.P. Austin, A.S.A. Com.

Dear Sir:

What is it about Scotts school at Burkeville? I hear complaints of great dissatisfaction — that he claims the building for the Conference, &c, that he is making a sectarian affair of it, that the people have withdrawn their scholars &c &c I also hear that Mr. Jones proposes to put a teacher there. He must not do that until the matter is better understood. The school he entirely undenominational, the building is a school house, for the public and nothing else (as I understand it, if I am in error please inform me). Cannot Scott be set right, and the colored public satisfied and brought together on school and not on church basis. I could aid out of the private fund, if this the wants of the place can be met. Please investigate and recommend.

Very Respy
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed.