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Dec. 12

C.P. Goodyear, A.S.A.C.

Dear Sir: Mrs [[?Slater]] has been professionally engaged in New Kent near a month.  All three of your teachers should be in the habit of making out duplicate reports on the last day [[strikethrough]] day [[/strikethrough]] of the month, and forwarding one to give for Bureau use and one to me for the Society by which they are commissioned.  Also on the same day they should fill out and sign duplicate blanks for their pay they [[?]] have from me and forward at once.

It will be impossible to increase the rent of [[?]] Post[[?]], we shall have to cut down, before an increase. In Post Cat-Tail and West Point Ch.(and one other) are the only places in the state where anything like so large rents are paid. I [[?]] to get - but it has not yet come - some additional help for Cat Tail. Walt and I will try to make it all come right. If Miss Scott average pass much above 60 scholars. The name of the girl who assists her should be sent on, as it would not look well to see  [[? ? ? ?]] in the Peabody fund for too many pupils.

When Providence shows up the teacher for King Wm City and the means of support I shall be glad to recommend aid if there is anything to do with.

Very Respy
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed

Transcription Notes:
looks like water damage made the ink run? Good luck!