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February 5 9
Rev. B. Sears D.D.

Dear Sir: 
In your communication to the 30th ult. you speak of the necessity of curtailing operations in the future, but do not say specifically whether that curtailment will apply to the operations I have in hand. I had arranged to expend the remaining $3000. (of the  originally proposed $4000) during the six months from  Jan 1st to June 30th which would be $500 per month; and I have the requisite number of schools on my list and drawing pay for January. I am already in a good many instances paying less than 25 cts per month on the average attendance, so that the final results will show considerably more accomplished than was originally proposed, viz: an average attendance of 2000 pupils for eight months. Please inform me whether I am yet to receive $2000 more to complete the original arrangement,-for if not I cannot know it too soon, as I must be adjusting ends to means. I hope the retrenchment does not apply to this years operations. The school books came in beautifully with the money, and a most beneficent work is being done.

Very Respy, Your Obt Servt
R.M. Manly Sup. Ed