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May 18th  9

General E. Whittlesey

Your favor of 17th inst is received. The Calvinist Baptists have had very few schools in Virginia. They have been as follows:

at Fredericksburg, two teachers, from Oct. 1865 to June 1868 - three years - about three hundred dollars, mostly rent, has been expended. $300.00
At Portsmouth, three teachers from Oct. 1866 to present date- About four hundred & thirty four dollars, for rent, has been expended. $434.00
At Richmond Primary school, of three sometimes four teachers, four years - expense, mostly rent. About Three hundred dollars- $300.00
The Richmond Theological & Literary School-two years-for repairs forty four dollars $44.00
For rent seven hundred & twenty Dollars $720.00

Yours respectfully
R.M. Manly
Supt. of Education

W.8. 1vol 1869.