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                                        May 25    9
John A. Melody
         Both your letters dated the 24th are recd-Enclosed find $4. the amount promised, as rent of room for the month of May. It having been made to appear to me that the interests of the Freedmen and their children would be promoted by continuing the school at Mrs. Gordon's and by charging them a smaller fee, so that a large number would be able to meet it; I have thought best to re-rent the room of Mrs. G. and to send Miss Scott to open the school,-a charitable person having offered to aid in her support. I shall not be able to continue aid to your school, while aiding Miss Scott's.
     There are many teachers in the state who are employed by charitable individuals and societies and are paid fair wages. That is a matter between the contracting parties, with which the Bureau has nothing to do; it is not the fault of the Bureau that all who wish to teach and who have the necessary moral and literary qualifications do not have salaries. The Bureau, by law is not allowed to pay salaries and never has done it.
I am glad to learn that the " trustees" of your school are satisfied with your services, and I