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92  175
May 27th 9
Geo. W. Graham Esqr
Boydton, Va
Dear Sir,
Referring to your letter of May 10th and 20th relative to transportation for Ms. Eliz: Dodge. I beg to inform you that the papers were duly forwarded to Washington, & to day returned with the statement that, by Circular from Bureau Vol 26 of Mch 10th 1869. Transportation for teachers was discontinued.
I return Ms. Dodge's appointment, and regret that the the order of the Bureau prevent her obtaining the transportation denied
Yours &c
R M Manly
Supt Ed
per C.S.
(1 Enclosure)
G.1. 1st vol 1869.

91  188/
May 27th 9
Mr Oscar M. Warnig
Your favor of 24th is received. I forwarded you vouchers for May the date of your letter.
Please return the vouchers unsigned as you no longer require the building rented.
Yours respty
R.M Manly
Supt. Ed
per C.S.

W. 18, 07 vol 1869