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June 3d  9
Mr J. J. Percival
Speedwell, Wythe Co, Va
Your letter of June 1st is received. It is customary, and has always been so with this Bureau, to send vouchers to persons, from whom buildings & are rested, for their signatures, before the money is paid. The vouchers for May were sent to you, for signature, as have been, I supposed, all vouchers on which you have already received pay.
Sign and return the May vouchers as soon as possible. A check for the amount will be sent you as soon as received from Washington.
Now about the  missing pay for February your letter I should say you had received rent for January, Feb, march & April. Check dated Jan 30th for January. dated M'ch 6th for Feb. dated April 6th for March and the fourth date & forgotten for April. Rent for May of course you have not yet received. 
Yours &
R. M. Manly
Supt Ed
per C.S.