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June 29th 9 

Rev. Edwin F. Hatfield, D.D.
New York.

Dear Sir,

Your favor of June 23d 1869 with rental account was duly received.

I am obliged carefully to verify your account by the reports of your teachers.  Upon examination I find 
the following reports missing, viz:

Elizabeth James - no reports for April, May or June
Fredericksburg - no reports since March and only two Teachers named in that report
Waynesboro, Woodstock,  Middleburg, Leesburg, and Newtown - No reports for 4 or 5 months.

Please forward the missing reports from your files - and hereafter, I hope you will require your teachers to report promptly to this office.

Yours Respty
R.M. Manly
Supt of Ed

P2, 1st Vol/69