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June 29  9
Miss L. Crocker 
Dear Madam 

Yours of the 18th receives late attention because of the examinations just concluded. Gen. Howard has forwarded to me your letter to him, for remarks. I have returned it with the recommendation that a specific sum be appropriated to your society for the purpose of aiding in the Charlottesville enterprise, and that you erect such a house as you may be able and as shall suit you, through your own agents. 

If you send a practical mechanic there, or employ one on the ground, who will adapt the plan of the house to the timber and other material of the old building, and who will cooperate with the freedmen and use their volunteer labor &c - a great saving can be made.

I cannot conduct the enterprise that way; but if I were to build it, I should be obliged to make a contract for so many Dollars. How can I do that without the means? And if General Howard has said $600, I was obliged in my letter to you to assume that he meant so. You know, I suppose, that I cannot control a dollar beyond what he is pleased to say. I think, as I have