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June 29th 9.

Bvt. Major Genl. O.O. Howard U.S.A


I have the honor to submit the following reasons for my endorsement on the accompanying paper.

1st.  I have found it impossible to obtain from the Ladies of the N.E. Branch, P. U. Com. any plan for a Building at Charlottesville.  Having prepared one myself it was not satisfactory because it did not contain living rooms for the teachers, and perhaps for other reasons.  Let them suit themselves.  They will undoubtedly erect a good school building.

2nd.  There is an immense amount of lumber in the old building which a practical mechanic working in the interest of the society and adopting the plan to the material, would use.

3d.  Conducting the enterprise themselves, they will secure a liberal amount of assistance from the Freedmen, and other friends which could not otherwise be had.

Yours respectfully
R.M. Manly
Supt. of Ed

N.2, 1st Vol/69.