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July 8

R.H. Dennis

Dear Sir,

I am the proper person to treat with in regard to aid from the Bureau in building school houses.  Nothing is ever given from the Peabody Fund towards buildings:- all its expenditures going toward the support of teachers. 

Now in regard to a school house at Clarkesville.  You undoubtedly need one very much, and I stand ready to aid the people in the enterprise, provided they take hold vigorously and promptly to aid themselves.  I am sorry that the people think best to build a church instead of a school house proper, because a large room - as a church -  with two teachers in it is always a nuisance.  Each teacher should have his school separate from all others. Nevertheless if the people, being destitute of a church, think they must put their means into such a building, I will not refuse assistance.  I hope they will not build very large - it is so difficult to raise the means and so slow to bring such a building to completion.

I now proceed to state distinctly the conditions, and the only conditions, on which I can assist.

1. A Board of Trustees must be formed - probably about seven will be the best number - of the