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Sept. 10  9

Mr. J.W. Grant

Dear Bro.

I had much rather you should have the school than [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] the person you recommend, and if the freedmen, sending to the school, will do what they are doing in most places, viz:  meet the expense of your board, I see nothing in the way.  You are mistaken, however in supposing that I appoint the teachers.  Teachers are appointed and commissioned by various charitable educational associations to which they look for their pay.  I would recommend you to write to Col. R.R. Corson, Cor. Sec. Pa. Branch F.U. Com., 711 Sansom St. Philad. stating the number of pupils there will be, and what the people will do to help themselves.  They must understand that they can have no school unless they help themselves.  I will aid in your support to the extent of $5. per month from the Peabody Fund.  I know you and do not need the references you send.  Please send this letter to Mr. Corson, and it will be your introduction to him.

Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
Supt Education