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September 16, 1967

Dear Minnie,

I have just sold two of your pictures! One was a small painting of stars in the sky, and angels, and devils and strange beasts below. Mr. Carter paid $85.00 for this one, and I enclose his check. He leaves here tomorrow to take his family back to Brussels, Belgium for three years. So your painting will go to Belgium. Mrs. Carters's mother really gave that one to them. The check is here. But he bought one of your crayon drawings for $65.00. I enclose this check also. Both pictures are going to Belgium.

I was in New York last week and was hoping that your new pictures would get there in time for me to bring them up here, but they did not come before we had to leave. I hope to find them there when we go back on the 22. I was looking at all thos crayon drawings of yours that are badly matted, Minnie. I think you did it for a show several years ago. There are some very good drawings there that I think I could sell if I could get them off those mats and cleaned up where the paste has stained them. If you would like me to use the money I get when I make the next sale, to try to get an expert to clean up those drawings, I will see if I can get someone to do it. I think some of them would sell well if cleaned up. If you think you could clean them properly I can send some to you. Let me know what you would like.

We are very happy that we could make these sales. I am sending Mr. Rountree a copy of this letter, as I like to keep him informed when I makes sales

Soon I will begin to write an article about you and your work. If I can get it published in a good magazine this will help you a lot.

I am looking forward to seeing your new work. And I hope that you are feeling better now, and your mother also. Please give her our best.

With love from us both, very sincerely
Nina Starr
Mrs. Nathan C. Starr

P.S. to Mr. Rountree: I was sorry that you did not write anything about Minnie and her work when I sent you that questionnaire. I am enclosing another in the hope you may make some remarks, not necessarily answering the questions, but about her and her work. Thanks.
