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[[Du Pont logo]]

E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Company
Wilmington 98, Delaware

The Du Pont Employee Magazine

January 4, 1967

Mrs. Elaine M. Kilbourne
Anacostia High School
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mrs. Kilbourne:

At last we are able to send you first proofs on the story for BETTER LIVING magazine for which we asked you to send us your picture with some comments. We appreciate the help you have given us. I wish we were able to visit each of you in the way that we did with Mr. Byrne.

Nonetheless I hope you will find the story interesting and I would appreciate your sending me any corrections that are necessary, or any suggestions which you would like to contribute. Changes, of course, must be limited to the space permitted by the present format. It will be most helpful if we have your comments by January 12.

Once again, our thanks for your continued help on the project.

[signature] David E. Morrison [/signature]
David E. Morrison



American Chemical Society
B.R. STANERSON Executive Secretary. R.M. WARREN Assistant to the President
1155 SIXTEENTH STREET NW WASHINGTON DC 20036 RE public 7-3337 ac 202

January 27, 1967

Mrs. Elaine M. Kilbourne
5504 23rd Place, S.E.
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mrs. Kilbourne:

It is a pleasure to advise you of the arrangements for presentation of the 1967 Second District James Bryant Conant Award in High School Chemistry Teaching sponsored by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company Incorporated at the General Meeting of the Society in Miami Beach. The Meeting will be held on Monday, April 10 at 9:00 p.m. in the West Ballroom of the Fontainbleu Hotel. After the awards are presented, Dr. Ralph Connor, 1967 recipient, will present his Priestley Medal address entitled "Grave Observations and Wise Sentences."

The Society cordially invites you and Mr. Kilbourne to be its guests at the reception and dinner for the ACS award recipients in the East Ballroom preceding the General Meeting. The reception will start at 6:00 p.m. and the dinner will start at 7:00. Dress will be semi-formal.

During the reception, presentation pictures will be taken of you and the representative of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company Incorporated. Mr. James H. Stack will direct this activity. Please ask for Mr. Stack or me as soon as you arrive at the reception so that your picture may be taken promptly. It will be helpful if you will plan to be in the East Ballroom by 5:30.

You will be seated at the head table at the dinner. Your husband will be seated at a reserved table just in front of the head table. You will be introduced to the audience, but will not be called on to speak. A special feature of the dinner will be an after-dinner address by Dr. T. L. Cairns entitled "Scientific Research and the Secondary Schools."

The dinner is open to all meeting attendants. Dress for them is optional. If a number of your colleagues and friends wish to attend the dinner, we shall be pleased to reserve a block of tickets or a table (the dinner and reception tickets will be $9.00 per person). Please let us know your requirements promptly.