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Southern parts of the Shore suffered more from the drought that the Northern and Western.  The status of the School-houses at Yorktown and Magruder has been fully investigated by me.  They stand on land which can neither be bought, nor leased for any specific period.  Yet there is no immediate objection to their remaining and being used as heretofore.  One of them is a log building, and neither is very valuable.  My opinion has been, and still is, that they should be used for school purposes where they are, so long as that may be permitted.  And that when the owners of the land shall insist upon their removal, that they be removed to some suitable site, or sold, and the proceeds invested in a new building as may appear best at the time.

I am, Sir,
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servt.
R.M. Manly
Supt. of Education       

W242 & 243 2d Vol/69