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320 1/2
995 0
June 29 0
W. B. Downly Esq
Dear Sir,
Yours of this 24th is at hand. There are two essential steps to be taken before any money can be [[checkmark]] forwarded for the proposed school house at Guilford: Viz:
1. The lot must be paid for and deeded, free from trust deeds or other incumbance, and I must have a certified copy to forward to Washington with my application for money.
2. There must be contract with a responsible party to complete the house for $200, ($100 payable when the roof is on, and $100 when the house is finished, inspected and accepted by me), whatever more than the $200 is necessary being provided by the priests of the enterprise so that the contractor can take it for the law named.
Your +c.
R. M. Manly
Supt. [[of?]] Ed

Transcription Notes:
Line below RM Manly is likely along the lines of Supt Ed since that appears to be his usual signoff