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[[4 columned table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and purport of letter | Endorsement and Memorandum |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1869 May 27th ✓ 18. | Waring, O.M. * ✓✓Filed. L.S. 91, 1st Vol 1869 | Winchester, Va, May 24th 1869.  Have full possession of school Building and consequently the rent of $20 per mo: may be stopped. |   | 
| 1869 May 27th ✓ 19. | Waring, O.M. * ✓Filed. (see L.S. 51, 1st Vol 1869) | Winchester Va, May 25th 1869.  All their schools will close June 29th except that at Front Royal which will close May 29th 1869. |   |

| 1869 May 28th ✓ 20 | War Dept, Bureau &c by E. Whittlesey * A.A.A.G'l. ✓Filed | Washington D.C, May 27th 1869.  Returns letter No 83, requesting authority to proceed to Burksville, Farmville, Lynchburg and Lexington, approved. |   |

| 1869 May 28th ✓ 21. | War Dept, Bureau &c by J.W. Alvord Gen'l Supt. of Schools * ✓ Filed. | Washington D.C, May 26th 1869.  States that circular No 3, CS, War Dept, Bureau &c, renders unnecessary Monthly Report (Blank 5) of Schools &c made in accordance with Circular Letter of Oct. 6th 1868. |   |

| 1869 May 29th ✓ 22. | War Dept, Bureau &c by J.W. Alvord Gen'l Supt of Schools ✓Filed * (see L.S. 75, 1st Vol 1869) | Washington D.C, May 28th 1869.  Has forwarded Seventy five (75) copies of blank Ed. Form No 3. A further supply will be sent as soon as printed, if necessary. |   |

| 1869 May 29th ✓ 23. | War Dept, Bureau &c by E. Whittlesey A.A.A. Gen'l Handed to Mr. Manly, Supt. of Education. | Washington D.C, May 28th 1869.  Authorizes the Supt. of Education to visit from time to time such points in his District, as may be necessary for the proper performance of his duties. |   |

| 1869 June 1st ✓ 24. | War Dept, Bureau &c by J.W. Alvord Gen'l Supt. Sch. * ✓Filed. | Washington D.C, May 28th 1869.
Wishes steps taken to prevent scholars from going from one school to another during any one term. |   |