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[[4 columned table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of letter | Endorsements and Memorandum |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1869 Oct 19. ✓ 155. | War Department, Bu: &c by Geo W. Balloch Chief D.O. * ✓ Filed (see L.S. 829, 830 & 831. 2d Vol 1869 | Washington, D.C. Oct.14th 1869. Encloses check No. 7221. on Assistant Treasurer at New York, for $270.97/100, to pay Sundry vouchers named within. |   |

| 1869 Oct 19. ✓ 156. | War Department, Bu: &c by J.W. Alvord * Genl. Supt. Ed: Filed. | Washington, D.C. Oct 18th, 1869  Forwards five hundred (500) blank (Ed. Form No. 3.) as requested. |   |

| 1869 Oct 19. ✓ 157. | War Department, Bu: &c. by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl (see S.14. 2d Vol/69.) L.S. 915, 2d Vol 1869. Filed with Vou. 4. Ab. D. Oct/69 | Washington, D.C. Oct. 18th, 1869.  Returns letter No. 869. (requesting permission to expend $300 to enlarge School house at ✓ Christiansburg, Va. - Also $40. to repair Freedmens School house at ✓ Pearisburg, Va.)  ~ Approved. |   |

| 1869 Oct 21 158. | War Department, Bu: &c by Geo W. Balloch * Chief D.O. | Washington, D.C. Oct 20, 1869  Returns letter No. 885 (enclosing for payment, vouchers of Jos: E. Farrar for school furniture, amount $165.00/100. Duplicate order authorizing the expenditure enclosed) to R.M. Manly, Supt of Ed, who will please have the vouchers in favor of Mr. Farrar made as indicated by the enclosed drafts of voucher. The voucher being thus made up it will not be necessary for Mr. Manly to take up the furniture manufactured on his return. It should be understood that there is no appropriation out of which accounts for furniture as such can be paid, But when (over) |

ate and purpose of letter 

Transcription Notes:
Reopened to fix many things missed by reviewer. This reviewer who "Completed" this page is not familiar with abbreviations, or format. Also, forgot a entire row.