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[[4 Columned Table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of letter | Endorsement and Memorandum |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1869. Oct 22. ✓ 161. | War Department, Bu: &c. by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl * ✓ Filed. | Washington, D.C. Oct. 21. 1869  Returns letter No. 886, (requesting authority to rent six (6) houses at places designated for school purposes, four (4) at the rate of $15, one at $18, and one at $20 per month.) Approved. |   |

| 1869. Oct. 22 ✓ 162. | War Department, Bu: &c. by Geo. W. Balloch * Chief D.O. L.S. 917. 2d Vol. 1869 ✓ Filed. | Washington, D.C. Oct. 21st, 1869  Enclosed Check No. 7271, on Assistant Treasurer at New York, for $25.51/100 to pay Voucher of E.W. Williams. ~ |   |

| 1869. Oct 22. ✓ 163. | War Department, Bu: &c. by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl ✓ Filed. | Washington, D.C. Oct 21. 1869. Returns letter No. 889. (requesting authority to expend $450 in repairing 9 designated School houses - 4 in Richmond and 5 in various parts of the State, Also authority to expend $50. to supply blackboards to various country schools.) States expenditure of $450.00 for repairing within mentioned schoolhouses approved. The blackboards may be purchased and described on vouchers as permanent fixtures under heads of repairs. |   |

| 1869 Oct. 23d ✓ 164. | War Department, Bureau &c  by Geo. W. Balloch, Chief D.O. * ✓ Filed. | Washington D.C. Oct. 22d, 1869. Encloses check No. 7568. on U.S Treasurer, Washington, for $378.0/100 to pay sundry vouchers, named within |   |

Transcription Notes:
use "&c", not "etc".