Viewing page 155 of 265

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Fifty Benches will be made for fifty-two Dollars one dol & 4 cts each. find all the material
size of benches 

       ft in
No 1.- 3. 4 1/2

No 3. 6 1/2

No.2 6 1/2

     ft  in  in
No.4 6 . 3 . 1
    Song. W. Jh

     ft  in in
No.5 3 . 3  1
     S   W  J

     in in in
No 6 20 3  1
     S  W  J

     ft  in in
No 7 6   1  3/4
     S   W  J

      ft in in
No 8. 1  3  1
      S  W  J

No. 1 to be multiplies 3-4 1/3 x 2
                       S W

      in in in
No 6. 20-3-1 x 2
       S W J

     4 in in
No 8 1-3-1 x 2
     S W J

Lumber will cost $2. a Hundred feet- 15 miles from this place 

Transcription Notes:
Few numbers hard to decipher and annotations above and below numbers not transcribed yet