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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters 7th Educational Sub-District of Virginia.
Lynchburg, Va., April 23rd 1869.

Genl O Brown Assist Comr
Richmond Va

I have the honor to transmit herewith a petition praying the gift of one of the govt barracks in Camp Schofield at this place  Three barracks have been borne upon our Bureau returns. The petitioners desire one of them. The Commandant of the Post informed me that he did not require it for military purposes and from its dilapidated and unsightly condition would desire it removed as soon as practicable. If consistent with the service I would urge the prayer of petition and that the Bureau waive farther claim to the two barracks remaining.
During Genl Willcox's administration at this Post he occupied both for military purposes; addl troops here would require farther use, The question of rent will be a serious one if the Bureau retains the buildings

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servt      R S. Lacey Inspector of Schools

Transcription Notes:
I.S. = Inspector of Schools, per page 49