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Stephen Colwell, Pres.
Francis R. Cope, Vice-Pres.
Ellis Yarnall, Rec. Sec.
Robert R. Corson, Cor. Sec.
E.W. Clark, Treasurer
35 South Third Street

Pennsylvania Branch
American Freedmen's Union Commission, 
No. 711 Sansom Street
Philadelphia, July 14 1869

R.M. Manly,
Richmond Va

Dear Sir
I enclose the Quarterly Report ending June 30 of schools in Virginia, and rental account. Some of the schools adopted by us last winter, and which we have aided in money and books, have not made full reports to us and we are not able to give the avg no. of pupils. The other ones I believe to be correct. 

If this report should not be made out as you wish it done please let me know & oblige

Yours very Resptly
Robt. R. Corson.
Cor. Secy.