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List of Teachers Commissioned and Employed in Virginia by the Board of Missions of the Reformed Presbyterian Church Society.

[[five column table]]

|NAME OF TEACHER. | WHERE EMPLOYED. | Date of commencement of service | REMARKS|

| |County. | Post Office. |   |   |

|Maggie L. Selliman | Alexandria | Virginia | 1869 Oct 4 |   |
|has 46. pupils | 10 Males + 36 Females|   |   |   |

|Jennie Selliman | Alexandria | Virginia | 1869 Oct 4 |   |
| has 58 pupils | 26 Male + | 32 female |   |   |

R. M. Manly Supt. of Ed.
Dear Sir - Above is the names of the two teachers employed by the Ref. Pres. Church. I have their report for the Month of October with all the items from which I have taken the above extract. If you desire their report sent to you, you can so inform me and I can forward or if any [[?]] is necessary please so direct and I will comply. Yours truly

Xenia Ohio
Nov. 4th 1869

J. C. McMillan
Secretary of the Board of Missions Society.

NOTE. - Executive officers of Charitable Associations, employing teachers in Virginia, and expecting "Rental" from the Government, are requested to furnish lists of their Teachers on these forms, and as often as additional teachers are employed, or changes made, they are requested to give notice of the same, to the undersigned. As the verification of Rental Bills MUST BE MADE EXCLUSIVELY FROM TEACHER'S REPORTS, on file in this office, it is important that they be instructed by the society employing them, to make up and forward their reports on the last day of every month WITHOUT FAIL.

R.M. Manly,
Supt. of Ed. Bureau R. F. & A. L., Richmond, Va.