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At (this place) Christiansburg, Montgomery County, the school will re-open, Monday Oct. 18th, with larger  accommodations, by reason of an additional room to the school building. The Sunday School numbers 250 Scholars, and is doing good work. The interest among the colored people in regard to education is increasing, and it is supposed we will have more application to enter the school, than can be accommodated. Miss Lucy Eastman returns as Principal; her sister as assistant. The School supported by Friends of the Freedmen in the State of New York. 
At New River, near Central Depot, Montgomery County, we have a School in successful operation, taught by Mary Sue Brown "Col" one of the advanced pupils of the Christiansburg School. Average attendance 30 scholars during the past 6 months. It has received assistance and encouragement from the Friends Freedmen Association of Philadelphia, Pa. This School will continue in operation until the 1st of November or December, when the teacher will resume her studies at Christiansburg. They have a good Sunday School; numbering about 40 scholars. School building owned by the Freedmen; Size about 18 X 20 feet.
A School at Alleghany Springs, Montgomery County, has been in the successful operation, during the past six months, until recently some evil disposed  persons, broke into the school house, and carried off all the School material. The Teacher, Grace Burks, "Col'd" one of the advanced pupil, of the Christiansburg School, wishing to resume her studies with the commencement of the fall session-