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In his own private rented house, for two years past all the help they received was books and school material, furnished by northern benevolent associations. They are deserving of help from any source. Sunday School numbers 40 scholars - Day School school thirty pupils. Other schools in this County have not re-opened - one or two of them may re-organize in October. They are scattered about through the country. At Fincastle, Botetourt County, Mr. Lloyd their former teacher, commissioned by the Philada. Branch Freedmen Union Comm.  (and superintendent for this county) has accepted an appointment in the Internal Revenue Dept. of the Government, and they are now without a teacher. Pupils enrolled last session 130, average attendance 100. Their preference is for a white male teacher, if such can be secured. They can board either a Lady or Gentleman teacher. Prefer the white race as instructors. They have a good house and lot of their own. Size of house 24 x 50 feet They need desks to furnish it complete. They are very anxious for a Teacher to be sent them without delay. Sunday School number 205 Scholars. At Buchanan, Botetourt County, the Day School numbers 60 scholars, taught by Mr. Burton, formerly employed by the Philada. Branch of the Freedmen's Union Comm. If that [[?]] has disbanded, will not some other take this school and Teacher under their charge. Their house is 20 x 24 feet, but needs enlarging, ceiled at a cost of about $200.  They now have an opportunity of changing this property for a more desirable one.