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as, before the war, it was scarce and contemptible. 

This social Bourbonism which opposes popular education, is breaking down, first in the cities, where business habits and a large admixture of intelligent citizens of northern or foreign birth have liberalized the public mind. 

Petersburg has just closed its first year of trial of the public school system. and the whole city is happy with the success of the experiment. Its Board of Education, selected from among its best citizens, have given much personal attention to their duties. Over 2,000. children, of whom a little more than one half were colored, were enrolled in these schools. Norfolk which has for some years sustained Public Schools for white children has now recognized the colored schools by making some appropriations [[strikethrough]] if merely [[/strikethrough]] of money to aid the American Missionary Association in sustaining its schools in that city. 

The Common Council of Winchester has pledged itself to the support of Public Schools for all; but their plans