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men of good native ability, ambitions to be useful and respected, who have passed the school age and are settled in life and engaged in business. To such persons the night-school is invaluable, and is already lifting many of them to leading position among their people; This agency should be carefully provided for, and efficiently conducted. 

Obstacles to the education of the freedmen are undoubted [[strikethrough]] dividing [[/strikethrough]] diminishing. That portion of the people from whom hindrances have hitherto come, the scornful, the proscriptive rich, and the ignorant prejudiced poor, in order to defeat the hated representatives of free schools have pledged themselves in the recent election to the free school system. Whether their [[strikethrough]] performances [[/strikethrough]] execution of the law will make good their pledge may be questioned, but they cannot [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] well longer be opposers. The material condition of the people will be improved by the excellent crops which the season promises, so that they can better 
