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BUREAU R.F. and A.L. 
Office Superintendent of Education, Virginia,
Richmond, Va., June 30th 1869.

Bvt. Major Genl. O. O. Howard U.S.A. 

I have the honor to inquire, whether, your communication of the 24th inst. directing the Supt. of Ed of Va to forward to the Office of the Commissioner "a full narrative and statistical report of the operations of the "Bureau" in this List, "for the year ending June 30th 1869," relates of the general operations of the Bureau, under the late asst. Commissioner, or only to the Educational Department under the Supt. of Education.
If it relates to the former, I would respectfully submit that there are in this office no data whatever on which to base such a report, as all the books and papers of the Bureau (Genl. Brown's and Major White's), with the exception of school reports, were forwarded to the Office of the Commissioner in the latter part of May. 
If however the communication relates to the Educational Department, the report required is in process of preparation. 

Yours respectfully, 
R. M. Manly
Supt. of Ed
W.54, 2nd Vol/69.