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BUREAU R. F. and A. L.
Office Superintendent of Education, Virginia,
Richmond, VA., December 6th, 1869

Bvt. Major Gen'l O. O. Howard USA

I have the honor to request authority to rent the following named places for school purposes, viz:

[[6 Columned Table]]
| Owners &c | Location | Class | Rent per Month $ | Cost per Month cts | Remarks |
| Amelia Mead | Staunton, Va | Room | 7 | 00 |From Nov 22nd, 1869 |
| L. H. Robinson | Tappahannock, Va | Building | 6 | 00 | From Decr 1st, 1869 |
I am, General
Very respectfully
Your obt. Servant
R. M. Manly
Supt of Ed