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I have directed to call on you & furnish you with the particulars as far as you may desire to be informed.

To complete this school building, we ask an appropriation of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.) which we hope you will grant us. You will please consider that as yet the Bureau has not given any aid in this direction to our Convention. Our charter dates back about 28 years and ever since the organization of this Convention we have been steadily and with blessed results laboring in the cause of education and evangelization among our race in this Country and in Africa. We have strong claims upon the public generally, and nothing, we feel, but the shade of our physical complexion has hitherto shut out [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] from sight the force of these claims. But God forbid that it should be so now.

By order of the Executive Board
[[signature illegible]]
Cor. Sec'y
