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they were down on me they hated me because I was Teaching a colored school and was The leader of the Loyal League they made all manner of threats against and tried to starve me out and so here I am in a strange city without money and no friends and no employment and a family depending on me for a surport I am sorry to inform you that there is not a Council of League in Norfolk. I therefore would respectful ask of you to sympathize with me in my deplorable condition I notice in your Paper that there was a call in Arkansas for school Teachers can you make any arraingment for me to get there with my family I have no children only myself and wife if I could git there and as soon as I could make the money why it should be returned again
please answer this letter as soon as possible and let me know if there can be anything done for me
address your letter to L.A. Birchett
Norfolk Virginia 

Transcription Notes:
I'm pretty sure this person meant 'support' but spelt it wrong as 'surport'. Same with 'arraingment' and 'git'.