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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands
Washington, D.C., Feby 12 1870

R.M. Manly
Supt. Education
Richmond Va

Enclosed find check No 317 on U.S. Treasury for $1057.66 to pay the following vouchers viz:

Thomas Hewlett ✔ $10.00  
Chas. H. Corey ✔ 30.00  
E.D. Eacho ✔ 5.00  
Lyne & Bro. ✔ 15.00  
John[[strikethrough]]Julia[[/strikethrough]] A. Blevins ✔ 7.00  
Grubbs & Williams ✔ 20.83  
Jos. E. Farrar ✔ 15.00  
A.W. Childs ✔ 10.00  
D.J. Richardson ✔ 10.00  
Wm Green[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]] ✔ 10.00
J.H. Hamlin Jr. ✔ 5.00
L.V. Jenkins ✔ 5.00
Sarah Glover ✔ 10.00
James Ford ✔ 10.00
S.H. Jones ✔ 10.00
A. Washburne ✔ 30.00
E.G. Stanwood ✔ 30.00
C.N. Jones ✔ 15.00