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War Department,
Bureau of 
Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Washington, D.C., April 12th 1870

R.M. Manly
Supt of Ed
Richmond Va

Sir - Enclosed please find my check #866 on U.S. Treasury for Two hundred seven 05/100 dollars to pay the following vouchers

J.H. Hamlin Jr SH & Asy 5.00 X
G.T.F. Boulding SH & Asy 5.00 X
Octavia R. Moss SH & Asy 8.00 X
Louisa Wayland SH & Asy 8.00 X
B. Wardwell Qrs & Fuel 12.00 X
John B. Crenshaw SH & Asy 25.00 X
C. S. Schaeffer Postage 3.25 X
C. S. Schaeffer Asst Supt Ed 66.10 X
C. S. Schaeffer Trans O & A 74.70 X

I made Mr Schaeffer pay one day less, the 31st day of any month is not paid for when one works by the month

Very Respectfully
Geo W. Balloch
Bvt Brig Genl & C.D.O.
Per B.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: misspellings SH & Asy = School House & Asylum