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We have finished the Gosol story "The Overcoat," doing about 5 pages a day. We don't translate very much aloud (just at home) but read it aloud & she asks questions as we go. I keep a complete vocabulary of new words & once I should have remembered (~500 in this last story) & review them until learned, but of course this is not required. We will begin a Tolstoy story tomorrow. 

In lab we should spend 3 hours once a week, but the first two labs have lasted 4 1/2 hours each. We had a better time yesterday, even went too fast for good data, & I showed my partner how to do all the past homework afterwards (he is deficient in math, & it was in statistics). He is good at handling the equipment, which I am not, so we divide the labor well.

We will go up to Chicago for a short week end, leaving Saturday. Friday night is the annual Physics party for grad students & faculty, with skits by each group. It comes at a good time for us!

Tomorrow, at a present, we'll buy him a new jacket from the very few left on sale in town. Hope Dad gets an overcoat he likes. I spent the p.m. (part of it) surveying every jacket in town (~8 stores), so tomorrow Jack won't spend much time selecting one. 

Looks as if Jack got his exam over before Dad finished the list - it was a race - 

Love, Doris