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423 West 120 Street
N.Y. 27, N.Y.
October 9, 1963

Dear Mother,

This is a bad time to have chosen to write - I have just returned from a second wart treatment. Since the warts are on my right thumb which is now fairly painful, the handwriting is not so good. The first wart treatment cut them down in size considerably; perhaps the second will finish them off. I'd like to get it over with before glove weather sets in.

I am writing on a new acquisition: our friends the Martinsons gave us their drafting table (a large one) to use (rather than storing it). They are getting rid of it now because of an accident: their baby fell off it, requiring brain surgery (no permanent damage, fortunately). It is right by the windows and is fine light, spacious enough to hold all my various papers & books.

My courses (only 4 give homework) are going well, tho' I am very busy both studying and doing problems. We have had some outings, however, attending a dinner wedding reception Sunday (with fine meal & dancing - 4 1/2 hours in all) of a friend, when marry other friends were present; after it we were invited to a party at the Harrises. This weekend I give a small party for girls from my math class of last year (2 & 1 husband).