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Contract for Labor,

This Indenture made and entered into on the first day of January A.D. between J N & H B Barrett of the County of Nash, & State of North Carolina of the first part, and Alford Sykes, a freedman of the second part Witnesseth.  
That the party of the second part agrees to work for the party of the first part, from January 1st 1866 to December 31st, inclusive, to do his work faithfully, to be respectful in
his deportment, to work ten hours per day - And the party of the 1st part agrees & promises to pay the said party of the second part one dollar per barrel, for all the S[[?]] Turpentine made by the party of the second part. And the party of the first part agrees & promises to treat said party of the [[strikethrough]] first [[/strikethrough]] second kindly, and encourage the establishing of school for his children.

H B Barret for my self &
J W Barrett

William F. Fox
Lieut, Veteran Reserve Corps and
Asst. Supt. Freedmens Bureau
Sub. Dist of Tarboro N.C.

Alford his X mark Sykes