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This Indenture entered into this 29th of Decr 1866 of Rocky Mount Edgecombe County N.C. between J.H. Harris and Harry Dancey both of Nash County N.C..
Said Harris agrees to furnish 220 acres of land and team sufficient to cultivate said farm and all impliments on hand and all the Cotton seed on the farm  also one half of all the Guano used on said farm all of which are to be furnished to Harry Dancey: Who agrees to furnish sufficient labor to cultivate said farm and feed for team and rations for hands employed by him and one half of all the Guano used on said farm & further agrees that the team shall be well cared for and the ditches and fences shall be repaired on said farm by him. In consideration of which he (Dancey) is to receive one half of all products raised on said farm except the Cotton seed which is to be left on said farm  said Dancey further agrees to save all the fruit on said farm for Mr Harris 

It is further agreed that all money advanced by said Harris to said Dancey shall draw legal interest till paid. It is further a[[strikethrough]]go[[/strikethrough]]greed that said Danceys portion of the Crop shall not be removed till satisfaction is guaranteed said Harris for advances of money and articles made by him

This Contract is to commence Jan 1st 1867 and terminate December 25, 1867 or continue till the crop is housed.

(Sgd) J H Harris
Harry Dancey his x mark

J.F. Allison
1st Lt & Asst Supt