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Know all men by these presents that Mr E H Flowers & John Hines are bound by the following agreement. 

Said Flowers is to furnish land suitable for a one horse crop, not less than 30 acres of land or more if said John Hines can cultivate it this land is to be well cultivated by said John Hines and a failure on his part by neglect of duty or refusal to carry out this agreement, if either that neglect or refusal shall damage the interest of said Flowers a party of three man shall be called who shall determine what the land was capable of producing and said John Hines shall pay said Flowers the amount lost by his failure to carry out fully this contract. E. H. Flowers is to furnish a horse and feed for said horse. 

John Hines is to have half of all that is made except the cotton seed picking of the field & shucks & is to plant one half the crop in cotton. The cotton crops to be E. H. Flowers until he is paid for any advances he may make to said Hines. Wood is to be cut from such tracts of the land as Flowers may select Manure is to be paid for jointly and Flowers is to determine the quality of manure. Flowers is to furnish all the implements necessary to carry on the Farm. Hines is to clean out the ditches, repair the fences and put the plantation in good order. 

John Hines is to move on the 2/3/or 4th of Jan'y.

E H Flowers
John his X mark Hines 

(Sgd) C.C. Bowens

Approved J. F. Allison 
1st Lieut VRC and Supt


Transcription Notes:
Edited: its 'shucks' (corn shucks) mentioned in many of these letters, also manure, changed "Thomas" to "Flowers" changed "Harris" to "Hines" more review needed