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Montgomery, Ala, Dec 2nd 1867
Bvt Maj Geo Shorkley

Dr Burleigh will assume charge of hospital at once.

O. D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commissioner

Montgomery, Ala, Dec "3" 1867,
Mr. J. B. Healy

See Col Smith on this evenings train and tell him cavalry have gone to 
Perote direct.

O. D. Kisnman
Sub Asst Commissioner

Montgomery, Ala. Dec 6th 1867.

Maj Genl O. O. Howard
Exchange Hotel Bangor, Maine

Freedmen only warrant blame at Perote.  Trouble easily dispelled without the aid of troops.  They acted honestly upon evil advice.  The result will prevent any recurrance.  No evil disposition shown.

31 Words $10.30  Bvt Maj Genl


Nov 5th 1867.

Captain James Gillette
Freedmans Bureau
Mobile, Alabama

If possible secure refusal of Mobile College four days longer
(signed) Wager Swayne
Bvt Maj Genl

Montgomery, Ala. Dec 9th 1867

Mr Robt T. Smith

Paper slip mentioned in your letter of seventh (7th) instant not received 
Forward by first mail

O. D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commissioner
[[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]] 15 Words 7 oc

Montgomery Ala Decr 23. 67

Bt Maj C. W. Pierce
Demopolis Ala

Cease all interference with action of civil authorities in the Cecil Bevill and Lane case.  Orders by mail.

[[strikethrough]] 18 [[/strikethrough]] 17 words 1.17

Bt Maj. Genl

Transcription Notes:
Names kept together for continuity as well as inside address and complimentary close