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Montgomery Ala Decr 31th 1867

Maj Genl O. O. Howard
Freedmans Bureau
Washington D.C.

I think that Bt Brig Genl Julius Hayden Lieut Col 15th U.S. Infy now in command at Huntsville could suceed me without injury to construction or the Bureau. I know him well and would commend him highly. 
Bt Maj Genl

Montgomery Ala Decr 31, 1867

Major Genl O O Howard
Washington DC

It is highly desirable that the change here being ordered should occur at once. The blow already limits my authority to the physical force of troops at my command. Much more is indispensible and would pertain to an officer remaining. I would like to order Hayden here and leave. When will Genl Shepherd get back here.
Bvt Maj Genl


Montgomery Ala Decr 2. 1867
Sw page 128

Bt Maj Geo Shorkley
Selma Ala

Doctor Burlough will resume charge of the Hospital at once.
O. D. Kinsman
Genl Asst Commr

Montgomery Ala Decr 3. 1867
Sw page 128

J. B. Healy
B. R. F. & A. L.
Girard Ala.

See Col Smith on this evenings train and tell him that Cav. gone to Pesalt church
O. D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commr

Montgomery Decr 6. 1867
Sw page 128

Maj Genl O. O. Howard
Ex. Hotel Bangor Me

Freedmen only were to blame at [[Pesati?]].  Trouble easily dispelled without the aid of troops.  They acted honestly upon evil advice.  The result will prevent any reoccurrence. no evil disposition shown.
Bt Maj Genl

Transcription Notes:
Not finished; only did left side Note: See Freedman's instruction page for names, ranks and places Names kept together for continuity as well as inside address and complimentary close