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Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. July 28" 1865

General Orders }
No 3 }

I Orders and regulations heretofore issued by proper authority for the government of the affairs of this Bureau within this State, are confirmed subject to future orders.

II To enable the Assistant Commissioner to comply with Circular No 7. War Department Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands, Assistant Superintendents will at once make & forward to this office careful estimates of the amounts of provisions, clothing & fuel necessary for the supply of destitute and suffering refugees and freedmen within their respective Departments for the quarter commencing July 1st 1865.

Like estimates will be made quarterly hereafter.

By order of 
Brig. Gen. Wager Swayne
Maj & A.A.A.G.


Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau Refugees Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala July 28th 1865

General Order }
No 4 }

I Assistant Superintendents will give immediate attention to preparing lists of lands and lots to be set apart for this Bureau, in pursuance of the Act of Congress by which it is established. These lists will include location, designation, and, as far as practicable, boundaries, with the named residence and status of the owner where the title is not in the United States.

II In cases of assault and battery, in which a negro is a party, where there is sufficient evidence of white persons to make conviction probable, application will be made to the nearest civil officer having jurisdiction. In other cases and where there is no civil officer, reports will be made to military commandants until jurisdiction is assumed by this Bureau pursuant to the order of the President. Evident denial of justice will be specially reported to this office. 

III Hereafter, no marriage will be solemnized under the authority of this Bureau, until after application shall have made and refused by the Probate Judge (where one has been appointed of the County) where the female resides, for a license, duly recorded as provided for by the Code of Alabama for white persons and for free persons of color. And no marriage will be solemnized between persons whose marriage is on account of consanguinity or age, interdicted by the Code.

IV In cases where freedmen have, in time

Transcription Notes:
consanguinity: relationship by descent from a common ancestor; kinship (distinguished from affinity). close relationship or connection.