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26 27 Head Quarters District of Alabama Montgomery June 4th 1866 General Orders} No. 1} By direction of the President, the undersigned assumes command of as much of the Department of the South as comprises the State of Alabama. The duties of Assistant Commissioner Bureau of Refugees and Freedmen, will be discharged as heretofore. Major General Head Quarters District of Alabama Montgomery June 10th 1866 General Orders} No. 2} The following named officers are announced as composing the Staff of this command: Bvt. Col. C. Cadle Jr U.S.V. Chief of Staff and Inspector General, Bvt. Maj. O. D. Kinsman U.S.V. Ass't Adjt. General, Bvt. Lieut. Col. Edwin Beecher U.S.V. Chief Receiving and Disbursing Officer. Surg C. J. Kipp U.S.V. Surgeon in Chief. Capt. W.C. Arthur U.S.V. Commissary of Subsistance Lieut. G. F. Browning V.R.C., A.A.Q.M. Reports and returns required by existing regulations will be made by Post Commanders direct to these Head Quarters. By order of Major Gen. Wager Swayne A. A. General