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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala. Sept 3 1866

General Orders
No 3

1st Lt J. F. Conyngham 15th U.S.I. is hereby announced as Acting Assistant Adjutant General of this command.  He will be obeyed and respected accordingly.
(signed) Wager Swayne
Maj. Genl. Comdg.

Head Quarters Sub Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Oct 10th 1866

General Orders
No 4

I    The supply of food hereafter issued to the infirm and destitute in this State will consist entirely of Corn and Bacon.

II   The articles will be produced as may be needed by an officer of the Subsistence Depart. of the army.  They will be shipped directly from the place where purchased to the principal depots, consigned to the Commissioner appointed by the State.

III  The receipt of the State authorities will be the voucher of the purchasing officer.  The supplies will be under the control of the assistant Commissioner of the Bureau, as to their extent and general application, but for their custody and faithful issue, the State will through its Agents be responsible.

IV   The State Commissioner will assign to each County its proper quote, and through the overseers of the poor, provide one or more agents to receive it, and to whom he will confide the actual issue.  These must be persons of character familiar with their neighborhood and will receive no compensation, except such as may be provided by their respective counties.  They will be subject to


removal by the State Commissioner.

V    These agents will be notified of the time and place, at which they will receive the quota of their respective counties.  They will distribute what they may receive with an eye single to the relief of suffering, carefully avoiding any distinction on account of color.

VI   They will observe that such an issue is attended with necessary evils; that it is resorted to only while the state is unable to care for its own poor, and that it must be kept within the strict and usual limits of public charity.  It is believed that work can be found for every able bodied person, and it is made a rule, in no case to be departed from, that such persons are not proper objects of relief.

VII  After each monthly issue and before supply is received by them, County agents will return to the State Commissioner, sworn statements that the amounts received have been faithfully expended, except such as accounted for as still on hand, standard blanks will be furnished from this office and when filled, will be returned to it by the State Commissioner as his vouchers.

VIII Regular and careful inspections will be made as hereafter provided for, by the State Commissioner and the Superintendents of the Bureau.  Each package of supplies will be conspicuously marked and persons who desire to prevent a public evil are invited to report to this office  authenticated cases of fraudulent or improper disposition.

(signed  Wager Swayne
Maj Genl & Asst Commr