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Office Asst Comr State of Alabama
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A L
Montgomery Ala, May 19th 1866

No 3}

Hereafter, until further orders the Actg "Commissaries of the Bureau will be governed by the following instructions in receiving, issue and accounting, for each beef received from the present contractor. 
No fresh beef will be drawn, or orders issued on the beef contractor for fresh beef to be issued by County agents.
Fresh beef will be issued only by the Officers of the Bureau, at the place when they are stationed, and as other issues are made, and in no case will the quantity issued exceed three sevenths of the net ration.
To Hosptls., issues will be made of such part of the ration in fresh beef as may be designated on the ordinary Ration Return by the Surgeon in charge.
On the last day of each month a statement will be forwarded by The Actg "Commissaries to the Chief C.S. of the quantity of fresh beef received from the contractor during the month giving to the beef contractor certified voucher (as per enclosed form) for the quantity thus received
The fresh beef received as above, will be taken up and accounted for on "Return of Provisions" for the month in which it is received.
Acting Commissaries will see that the terms of the contract are complied with in every respect.
By Order of Bvt Maj Genl Wager Swayne
Asst Adjt Genl


Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala, Dec" 21st 1866

No 4}

The following act, amending the act known as the "Stay Laws" passed at the last session of the Legislature and approved by the Governor, is published for the information of all concerned.

An Act
To amend section seven, and to repeal sections two, three, four and five of an act entitled "an act to regulate) judicial proceedings.
Sec "1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama. in General Assembly convened, that section seven, of an act entitled "an act to regulate judicial proceedings." Approved Feb 20th, which is in the following words and figures to wit, Sec "seven. Best further enacted that the provisions of this act "shall not apply to proceedings in the courts of admiralty, nor to any, "action in detenue or forceable entry and detainer or lawful detainer," be amended so as to read as follows:

Be it further enacted, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to proceedings in the courts of admiralty nor to any action in detenue nor forceable entry and detainer or unlawful detainer, nor to any action of trespass to try titles, or ejectment, or trial of rights of property, nor to actions of Slander, of trespass, of assault and battery, nor upon any action of contracts made since the 25th day of July 1865, except upon renewals of contracts existing prior to the said 25th day of July 1865.

Sec "2d" Be it further enacted That sections two, three, four and five, of said act be and the same are hereby reappealed.