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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala, Apl 23rd, 1867

General Orders }
No. 5 }

1. The following extract from an act of Congress approved Mch 2nd 1867 is published for the information and government of all concerned.

Section 1 And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the House of Representatives to select in Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas, one or more newspapers, not exceeding the number now allowed by law in which such treaties and laws of the U.S as may be ordered by publication in newspapers according to laws shall be published, and some one or more of which is selected all such advertisements as may be ordered for publication in said districts by any U.S. Court or Judge thereof, or by any officer of said Courts, or by any executive officer of the U.S. Court shall be published. The compensation for which, and other terms of publication, shall be fixed by said Clerk at a rate not exceeding two dollars per page for the publication, of treaties, and laws and not exceeding one dollar per square of eight lines of space for the publication of advertisements the accounts for which shall be adjusted by the proper accounting officers and paid in the manner now authorized by law in the like cases; and said Clerk shall as soon as practicable after the passage of the several executive departments, and each Judge of the U.S. Courts therein, of the papers selected by him in accordance with the 


foregoing provisions; and there upon and there after it shall be the duty of the several execution officers charged therewith to furnish to such selected papers only an authenticated copy of the publications to be made as aforesaid and no money hereby or otherwise appropriated shall be paid for publications or advertisements hereafter to be made in said districts, nor shall any such publication or advertisements be ordered by any department or public officer otherwise than as herein provided; Provided, that the rates fixed in this section to be paid for the publication of the treaties and laws of the U.S. in the states therein designated shall also be paid for the same publications in all the states not designated in this section. 

II Official information having been received at these Hd Qrs that the Advocate, a newspaper published at Huntsville, Ala, has been designated as one of the newspapers in which within this State such publications or advertisements shall be made, all officers within this command and stationed at Posts north of the thirty fourth parallel, will organize the same as the prescribed medium of Official publication. 
By Command of
Maj Genl Wager Swayne
(signed) J.F. Conyngham
1st Lt 41st U.S.I. AAAG

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Apl 29th 1867
No 2}
Pursuant to Circular No 11. dated War Dept Bureau RF & AL, Washington DC Apl 3d 1867 W.C. Arthur Agent Bureau RF & AL (Late Captain & C.S. U.S.V.) is hereby assigned to duty as actg commissary of subsistence of the